Coupons, it is!

Hi Junetizens! (the fact that it's already June and we're here in the web. lol)

I'm trying my best to bring back my blogging mojo for everyone's sake, but since I don't really recognize the people who read my blog (if there's any), I'm solely dedicating every blog post to myself. lol How lonesome, aye? Anyway, I don't really care if someone actually reads my blog posts. I blog to express, not to impress. Get it?

So anyway, I accompanied my Mom to the mall today for some last minute pampering and payments before her and my brother's trip to Palawan tomorrow. It's actually unfair that they're the only ones leaving for some R&R, and leaving my father and I to handle our business here in Manila; but my Mom sort-of promised to give me my own R&R when they get back, only in the form of freedom. lol

Since my Mom had her nails done, I decided to have a trim for my dry edged hair. I got discount coupons and a card too, since I know I'll be having services with them soon enough.

Anyway, I need to pack my brother's and Mom's things for tomorrow (since I'm a good daughter/sister like that lol). It's going to be a busy weekend for me since I'll be handling my Mom's part in our business. Teeyah!


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