You can't blame me, Mr. Sunny

I'm no fan of sunglasses...

not until I diverted myself to wear them again after the intense summer heat we have been experiencing. I have my own wayfarer and aviators, but I'm still experimenting on what type of sunglasses I should really invest in. And when I say invest, I mean, REALLY.

There's this type of shades I have been wanting to have since last year, and I haven't really found one in my recent search. Out of desperation to know what it was called, I consulted Wikipedia to give me facts. TADAH!

The Browline sunglasses

image from Google Image Search
With my constant search on this babies, I have recently (like just now) decided, that I totally need to invest in this pair. I really love how it enhances the eyebrows (of course, you can't really see it in sunglasses) because that's what really it is for. I have a huge insecurity with my eyebrows (okay?). Teehee! 

So now, where could I possibly buy this 15% look enhancer?


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