Look what Violin got me thinking.

Hi earthlings!

I realized I have been blogging so much this past few days and it makes me happy because that means I always have something to going on. ;) But this time around, let me tell you that I have no particular event to share to you. I just thought that may be when I face the blogger-new-post-screen I would be able to produce sensible thoughts to write about.

So here I go.


This morning, I managed to finish the book that took me ages to finish. FINALLY. You'll probably wondering what took me so long and what this book is. So here it is.

Violin by Anne Rice, that I managed to borrow from my friend, Patt (Hi Patt, if you're reading this, I'll be able to give this back to you, finally!). I borrowed it from Patt several months ago (I know, that long!) because I got curious. Let's just say, it's also a literature experiment for me.

But seeing my progress in reading this book.. I ain't happy with it. Thus made me conclude literary genres like this ain't for me. But don't get me wrong, I learned to love this book. This book got me reading a dictionary. (I think you finally figured.)

A good thing about this book was making me earn, resist, patient, a goal addict and a vocabulary-opened person. Why?

Well, having this hard-to-handle book, made me make a goal to finish a book before buying a new one, because I always have a tendency to buy a new one without the recognizing need to have one. Having a goal made me stick to it, thus, I tend to resist buying a new book, in which made me earn money and make me patient. Also, it made me vocabulary-opened since this was the book I always had a dictionary by my side. ;)

So in context, a not-so-good-encounter with a book, actually makes a person learn new values in life that could actually make her life good.

This also applies in life, no matter how bad the circumstances are, there's always a good side in it. There would always be an effect you would never see that quick, but when you wait patiently and analyze what happened, you'll probably see the goodness of it.

Like what happened yesterday at school, I had the baddest cold ever. I wanted to cut class just before my second class, because I really can't take my colds anymore. I can't even breathe properly. But I don't know.. I just had the intuition that these two classes would not probably be a hassle. It made me think what I'll miss, so eventually I did not cut my class. It was a good thing, cause when I got to class, I felt better. I even felt much happier (still having the colds).  I got to get to know and bond with some of my classmates and it made me at ease.

Hihi. So there.

Never think that a bad thing could not be better.


Anonymous said…
Weewtweewt! You finally finished it! What do you think about the storyline? Excluding the 19th century ish writing style-- was it good? Wanna borrow more of my gothic novels? >:)
@Patricia: Yes it was good! Medgo may parts lang na kadiri. :O and some were boring :/ Haha!

I'm planning on reading the books that I've been wanting to read first! :D hihi

Maybe soon! :D

I'll give back Violin na! :D

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