Just because... I'll get there soon.
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? My brother, because we're sweet like that. ♥ 2. Are you outgoing or shy? I'm naturally shy, but someday I will destroy the naturale. 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? My relatives in Bulacan. I miss the simplicity. 4. Are you easy to get along with? If I were to be friends with myself, I would say no. It would take some time and effort to get me along. 5. Have you ever given up on someone? Yes. I just had to let go, because the pain is intolerable. 6. Do you enjoy school/work? I'm currently in my on-the-job training, meaning it's a little bit school and work. I enjoy what I do now. 7. What person do you think about most often? What person? or who? There's no one really special now, but there's someone I have been eyeing on. 8. What does your most recent text say? Go here. 9. Who did you last speak with for over 30 minutes? My brother, it's the semestral break by the way. 10. Do you believe in...