Long days are great dayz after all.

It's been a while since I last blogged. I guess the summer season got me lazy to express. Teehee.

Anyway, I'm forcing myself to be back again and this time, I want to do this full time. Let's just say that a couple of blog buddies I adore, makes me motivated. They have been updating even with their busy schedules, and I question myself, why can't I do it? I would definitely benefit from this blogging thing, right? I mean, in terms of expressing and keeping those memories and opinions in writing, will definitely benefit, also having something to rant out to is a good thing. Yes?

Thus, I AM BACK.

School's back since last week and my schedule is pretty much the coolest ever. You might be thinking that, I had the best classes, the less breaks, the more free time? Well, partly were right! I only have three day classes per week- Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, cool so far? So here's the downfall, I start my TH classes at 0940 (almost to 10- could still be good) and ends at 1930 (downfall starts now). I have almost 4-5 hours break during a TH day, so that leads to spending 10 hours a day in school. On a Friday, I start my class at 0815 and ends at 1745. I also have a 3 hours break there somewhere. See the dismay of my schedule? That's what I thought when I was making my schedule.

But you know, having a complicated schedule like this ain't so bad after all. Leaving the school at night is such a new experience for me and it makes me at ease (not sarcastic!). Probably one factor that makes me at ease, even at night, is because I normally take the LRT going home now. Having great friends with you during your classes and breaks is a big contributing factor too, despite my schedule. Yes, friends! I never felt this good feeling for the longest time (last time I felt this was 2009). Having great friends, who stick with you through intense laughter and crazy thoughts, makes my day.

So when you come to think of it, it's not the schedule which is cool, it's the people I get to hang around with, makes it cool. Friends, I love thee!


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