REPOST: make it & fake it: Dying Passion T-shirt

make it & fake it: Dying Passion T-shirt:

Ever since my sister brought home a bottle of purple Rit NOTHING has been safe from my dying obsession. I told you 
here that I was going to share my ombre dip dye ikea foot stools, but I will start by showing you my "tester" which is one of my dying favorites (actually, who am I kidding, I love them all). 

I am not a sucker for instructions, I tend to not follow them, sometimes for the better... others... not so much.
Well for this little tester I def didn't, and it turned out fine, but you should prob follow the instructions on your colors to be sure you will get a good result. 
I started by adding some salt (I just tossed some in the bucket) with abt 3 liters of really hot water (my T is cotton so it can take warm water. Then I added a bit of Rit, about 1/5th of the bottle. 
I dipped the T 2/3rd's up. I just dipped it and didn't leave it in. Then I added some more Rit and dipped the T but not as far up. Keep adding more Rit and dipping less and less of the T. I left the last few inches in the bucket to get the dark color. 
Then I rinsed the T in cold water till there water was no longer colored and hung it up to dry (you prob don't have to dry it before washing it, but I just wanted to see what it looked like). Then I washed it in the washer. 
No need to waste perfectly good Rit water, ill show you what I used it for later.
Since I'm a little sucker for DIY nowadays, I'll keep this as reference. Then maybe, you could keep this as reference too.


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