Improving the Performance

If you want to increase your PC performance, here is one advice from my brother, KC. He made this video out of sheer boredom, I guess. There are some mistakes though, but its quite understandable already. ;) This advice actually works, but in the long run, you'll still need to clean your computer to make it go faster. Cheers for having a little brother, who knows how to do the tiny bits of making a computer run faster.

My brother is just eleven years old, so I feel so dumb cause when I was his age, I don't even know how to use the internet. Haha!

But when you think about it, I have to get back what I said about dumb, because during my time in that age, the internet was still being discovered! DSL was the thing then. So yeah, I am not dumb! *forever-mind-talking-sarcasm*

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