The Attempt to Experiment
School has officially ended last Friday. My academic life officially dies and I am stuck with all this practical work for school. But as I am on break, waiting for all the dates to come by as they may. I come back to my trusty hobby of experimenting. Since I have a bunch of unused films up in stack, I was thinking of some worthy shots to try on. Since film is just a one time shot shoot, I first tried on going digital shooting with my not-so-good camera.
Earning inspiration from and some groups I joined in facebook, I tried on some shots with the use of plastic, OHP pens, sunglasses and even screens. hihi
Well anyway, devour in my latest fantasy.
Earning inspiration from and some groups I joined in facebook, I tried on some shots with the use of plastic, OHP pens, sunglasses and even screens. hihi
Well anyway, devour in my latest fantasy.
the effect of plastic cover and red-orange OHP pens
the noisy effect of our screen window
the effect of my Forever 21 sunglasses: see the difference on the left and right?
still using my sunglasses, enabled the flash and look what happened, sort-of a multiple exposure
see the blue patterned hearts (yeah, that's actually hearts)? that's me. double exposure produced by a full window glass